Sunday, July 19, 2009

Celtic Thunder's "Take Me Home" Review

July 14 was a day Thunderheads waited for with much impatience and anticipation...The release of the "Take Me Home" CD and DVD from Celtic Thunder...well, the DVD was great craic, the guys looked and sounded awesome!
Keith's The Homes of Donegal makes me think of home and family and comfort/security...I love how his Irish accent comes through when he sings. His other song is "Wichita Lineman" and he does a wonderful job with it also-I don't mind CT covers of other songs, they have a way to take it and make it their own, this song is no exception.
I have trouble choosing a favorite song on the album but one of them has to be Ryan's "Midnight Well". If this song is in the new show it is going to be LETHAL, has a very seductive latin beat paired with Ryan's smokey, sexy voice, you want to say ok to the gypsy, LOL. Ryan's second solo is the Police's "Every Breath You Take" funny how I like this version better than the original, same with Desperado.
Damian picked up two more Paul Anka songs "Happy Birthday Sweet 16" and "Breaking Up is Hard to Do"-they are soo much fun, you find yourself singing and dancing along...his voice has changed, it is much deeper and richer (not that is wasn't beautiful before).
Speaking of fun, the most fun on the album is George's "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)-it's catchy and it's great to see him jumping around and having such a time on stage :) "Working Man" is his other song, it tells a story of working in a mine.
Paul's song's are David Foster's (I'm a huge fan-he brought us Josh Groban and Micheal Buble') "Because We Believe" absolutely gorgeous, I'm such a fan of this amazing tenor-and "You Raise Me Up" Brought tears to my eyes at the PBS Promo in Houston (the first time I heard it) it is a beautiful rendition of a song that comforts me while my grandmother battles cancer.
The ensemble songs are "Take Me Home" a Phil Coulter song-it's beautiful and the harmonies get better and better...A new version of "Steal Away" which showcases Damian's beautiful voice, I loved the original Steal Away but this one takes your breath away...and "The Green Fields of France" this one brought a tear to my eye the first time I listened to the words, it's beautiful harmonies and you notice more of an accent from Ryan (imo) than in most other songs, but it is beautiful and enhances (not takes away) from the song.
There are two new orchestral pieces "Belfast Polka/Pennsylvania Railroad" and "Appalation Roundup" Both are fun, peppy pieces that have you dancing before you realize it :)
I'm no expert but I enjoy the CD and DVD and was in no way's to the new show in Oct!!!